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Apps by Alexander Nilsen

Welcome to Alni Apps

Here you will find information about applications made by Alexander Nilsen. This includes apps for mobile devices, PCs and web.

About Me

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexander Nilsen and I live in Norway. I have been interested in computers and programming since I went to Junior High here in Norway. I have a few big interests and they are computers and programming, aviation and astro-science.

My Knowledge

My main programming languages are JavaScript and Java. And my main Java developer platform is Android.

I have much knowledge when it comes to web development. I feel proficient with JavaScript (that includes regular, OpenUI5/SAPUI5, jQuery + Mobile and Sencha Touch), CSS/LESS, HTML and PHP.

Other programming languages i feel proficient with include Python, C# and C.

My JavaScript toolkit proficiency

I feel proficient with the following JavaScript toolkits:

My Web Framework/System knowledge

I know how to use and/or set up the following Web Frameworks and Systems:

In addition I know some of the requirements on how to design web pages and applications that can be used by people with poor/low vision (like what type of fonts to be used, icon style and color combinations)

If you like what I do you can give me a free beer :)